I have now been on many different Rachel’s Vineyard retreats. In our team we really started up in a Holy way - we started with nothing and God provided everything. In our first few retreats we were in different homes and there was always things to be moved and fixed and changed around but the retreat always worked out and that was amazing. Recently we have moved into the Shrine for our retreats which has been a very ideal location and the monks have been great and so accommodating. Each retreat is the same though - there is lots of proposing and God disposing. I can really say that the retreats are His and He does what He wants, unless we try to get in the way, but He loves these men and woman so much and desires their healing and forgiveness often He works even despite of us. God has blessed us in so many ways. One of the greatest blessings is the diocese we work in where we are so supported by the Bishop and the Diocesan Office, more so than any other Rachel’s Vineyard team we know. I am proud of our Diocese’s commitment to heal the wounds abortion has caused. Not only does our diocese make a huge sacrifice, so do the parishes and families each member of the team belongs to - some by going without a priest and by providing prayer, emotional and financial support. God always makes sure we have what we need. The retreats themselves always are a great blessing to attend. It is so beautiful to watch God work to raise the dead to life, to heal the broken hearted, to restore broken motherhood and fatherhood, to reclaim lost dignity and to shower blessings on his beloved community. Another amazing thing is that God also uses the retreat to bring healing to the members of the retreat team.