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I serve at Rachel's Vineyard because of the healing I experienced first hand myself when I attended a Rachel's Vineyard retreat for healing from my own abortion. Rachel's Vineyard brought me out of my shame, pain, guilt and sadness to a place of hope, happiness and peace. I want others who are suffering to be able to experience that same transformation as well. It is an honour and a blessing to now be able to help others.
I serve at Rachel’s Vineyard because the retreats themselves always are a great blessing to attend. It is so beautiful to watch God work to raise the dead to life, to heal the broken hearted, to restore broken motherhood and fatherhood, to reclaim lost dignity and to shower blessings on his beloved children. It is also amazing how God uses the retreat to bring healing to the members of the retreat team as well.
I serve on the Rachel's Vineyard team because Jesus is allowing me to journey with others to help them to open up their past wounds, clean out the hidden poison, so that they can begin to heal properly.
I serve on the Rachel’s Vineyard team because it is a blessing to witness the transformation and restoration that occurs for individuals on the retreat. I am humbled to be God’s instrument for men and women and accompany others on their healing journey. The interior peace I experience at each retreat is a reminder of God's great love, mercy and tenderness He has for me and for others.
Rachel’s Vineyard holds a special place in my heart because this is the place where I found healing of the deep wounds from my own abortion. After 30 years of silence and denial, Rachel’s Vineyard was where my voice was heard and the pain, shame and grief I had been holding onto was finally fully acknowledged and released. This process is lovingly guided by caring, non-judgemental people who allow God to work through them to bring healing to others. It is a great blessing to be able to serve on the Rachel’s Vineyard team and to help create a welcoming, safe space for others to heal.
My life has been deeply affected by the unconditional acceptance of others. Rachel's Vineyard is one of the most significant places in which I have experienced authentic love and acceptance from others; both from the team and the retreatants themselves. The beautiful retreat process gave me greater knowledge of myself and God, and through this I have discovered much healing and more delight in life. I am honored to serve as music coordinator for this wonderful healing ministry.
Find out more information about the retreat team and why they have chosen to serve at Rachel's Vineyard.