Fall Rachel's Vineyard Retreat
Quilchena Hotel
6500 Merritt-Kamloops, BC-5A, Quilchena, BC V0E 2R0
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
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Quilchena Hotel
6500 Merritt-Kamloops, BC-5A, Quilchena, BC V0E 2R0
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Quilchena Hotel
6500 Merritt-Kamloops, BC-5A, Quilchena, BC V0E 2R0
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
https://goo.gl/maps/rU6vyxpktMftmwja8 Lac Des Roches Resort
8428 BC-24, Lone Butte, BC V0K 1X2
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard and her testimony at the Prince George Prolife AGM. Nancy will be available afterwards for any questions.
Overcoming Faith Christian Centre, 4520 Wheeler Road, Prince George, BC.
https://goo.gl/maps/rU6vyxpktMftmwja8 Lac Des Roches Resort
8428 BC-24, Lone Butte, BC V0K 1X2
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard at the end of all the Sunday Masses at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kamloops, BC and be available afterwards for any questions.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be sharing her testimony with the major seminarians at Christ the King and the healing she found at Rachel's Vineyard on Saturday, September 15, 2018.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard at the end of Mass in Williams Lake, BC and be available afterwards for any questions.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard at the end of Mass in Williams Lake, BC and be available afterwards for any questions.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard at the end of Mass in Logan Lake, BC and be available afterward for any questions.
Facilitator, Nancy Hadden, will be giving a brief presentation about Rachel's Vineyard at the end of Mass in Merritt, BC and be available afterward for any questions.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
On Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 at 2 pm, Nancy Hadden, the site director for Rachel’s Vineyard of the Kamloops Diocese, will be speaking at the Great Room in Williams Lake, sharing her own story about abortion, the pain that followed and God’s healing in her life through Rachel’s Vineyard. Nancy shares this personal aspect of her life in order to help others who are suffering to find healing and peace.
Facilitators, Nancy Hadden and Father Andrew L'Heureux, will be speaking about Rachel's Vineyard at the CWL Meeting in Salmon Arm, BC.
Nancy Hadden and Father Derrick Cameron, Rachel's Vineyard Retreats facilitators, will be speaking about Rachel's Vineyard at the CWL Meeting in Williams Lake, BC.
Nancy Hadden, facilitator of Rachel's Vineyard Retreats, will be speaking at the CWL S'mores Workshop in Armstrong, BC, on post-abortion difficulties and the positive results of Rachel's Vineyard retreats.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Facilitators, Nancy Hadden and Father Andrew L'Heureux, will be speaking about Rachel's Vineyard at the CWL Meeting in Blind Bay, BC.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine and Retreat Centre, Cache Creek, BC
To register for this confidential retreat, please contact Nancy by email at rvkamloops@yahoo.ca or phone/text 250-267-5081.
Sacred Heart Cathedral - Kamloops
This prayer service is designed to help those who have been affected by miscarriage or abortion, either their own or someone else’s, or any other unresolved pregnancy loss. It is not necessary to have personally had a miscarriage or abortion to come and pray for healing around these losses. Parents, grandparents, friends, health care workers, pregnancy counsellors, all are welcome. The prayer service will be led by two members (including a priest) of our diocesan Rachel’s Vineyard team. There will be no public or group sharing during the evening, simply an opportunity to listen to the Word of God and to respond in your heart to the prayers and reflections. The team members will be available after the service for those who wish to speak privately with them, or to go to confession. No registration or sign up is required. For more information, please contact Nancy at 250-267-5081 (text or phone) or email rvkamloops@yahoo.ca.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Williams Lake, BC
This prayer service is designed to help those who have been affected by miscarriage or abortion, either their own or someone else’s, or any other unresolved pregnancy loss. It is not necessary to have personally had a miscarriage or abortion to come and pray for healing around these losses. Parents, grandparents, friends, health care workers, pregnancy counsellors, all are welcome. The prayer service will be led by two members (including a priest) of our diocesan Rachel’s Vineyard team. There will be no public or group sharing during the evening, simply an opportunity to listen to the Word of God and to respond in your heart to the prayers and reflections. The team members will be available after the service for those who wish to speak privately with them, or to go to confession. No registration or sign up is required. For more information, please contact Nancy at 250-267-5081 (text or phone) or email rvkamloops@yahoo.ca.